Basement Cleanup Service

The basement is one of the hardest areas to clean. Of course, we’re not talking about regular chores; we’re talking about house floods and the disastrous effort it takes to really clean and restore a home when the floodwaters have done their damage. Basement floods are terrible and they can be costly, especially if you don’t get to cleaning it up quickly enough. Standing water in the basement can do terrible damage to carpets, padding, walls, insulation, and furnishings. Without the right sensors and meters, it’s nearly impossible to ensure that all the moisture has been removed from a home and that mold contamination isn’t going to spread. Yet as dreary and hopeless as this all sounds, there is good news: basement cleanup in Brampton is not a lost cause when you call on our team at Brampton Restoration!

Our Service

When you call us, whether it’s night or day, you can count on our immediate response. We will come running like the cavalry with every tool we have at our disposal. The most important step in restoration after a basement flood is a quick response, which is why we’ll pull out all the stops to help you get the water extracted from your home and belongings. With a team of experienced and highly trained technicians, we know how to divide and conquer. We begin with vacuums and pumps to extract the water while we carefully pack up every item in the basement that needs to be moved out during restoration. We’ll discard debris and rubbish from the flood and then begin inspecting your home for areas where the walls or carpeting have been damaged.

Once the standing water has been removed, we will put fans and dehumidifiers in strategic places to help pull out any additional moisture. Then we’ll inspect your home for contaminations like black mold. Damaged areas will be repaired and restored, and all the surfaces and belongings will be cleaned so that your home is back to its pre-flood condition.

When you need your basement cleaned after a flood, trust Brampton Restoration!